Sunday, December 26, 2010

Ape Marauder 12-26-10 Final-ish

Well, the work on this model and it’s textures have gone as far as I want to take it for now. Any changes I make to the textures from here on out are going to be subtle, small ones. I managed to get all the textures for this to fit onto two 2048X2048 UV maps. There are things that I am still not happy with. I used a lot of mirroring in the textures to keep the number of uv maps reasonable, and you can see it if you really look. I’m hoping that when I put the model into some interesting backgrounds and give it some action poses it will be less obvious.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Ape Marauder 12-20-10

I’ve been meaning to put up some progress shots as the texturing has progressed, but I keep getting distracted by the actual texturing. It’s coming along pretty well. Trying to find that sweet spot between too much wear and tear and not enough. Btw, the pin-up art on the left shoulder comes from

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Ape Marauder 12-08-10

Finished with the modeling on this thing at last, other than a few adjustments and bevels I might add as I go through texturing the parts. All in all, fairly happy with the results. Here are some renders.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Ape Marauder

I made some progress on the Marauder over the last couple of days. Got the lower legs built to the point where I am 85% happy with them. Still need to built the rocket thruster on the back of the leg. Also built the belt buckle/codpiece whatchamahavit thing.